Friday 25 March 2011

Pheasant Pate

Pheasant Pate

Freshly made this morning

Having realised I had pheasant in the freezer that needed to be used I decided to cook pheasant pate. This recipe is so simple and  very low in cost to make. A pair of pheasant cost five pounds at our local 

I roasted the defrosted pair until they were tender. I then took all the meat off the bones, which will be used for pheasant soup, and minced it with two chopped onions. Next I added one chopped hard boiled egg and some melted butter. Adding my favourite seasoning came next with lots of freshly ground black pepper. The  last addition of sour cream until the consistency was just right left me with enough pate to fill six suitable dishes. Four will go into the freezer to be used when guests arrive in a variety of forms for appetisers. One is a gift for a wonderful friend and the other will be demolished pretty quickly by the look of it.

This morning I had banana and blueberry muffins in the oven which smelt delicious, the bones from the pheasant were in a large pot simmering in preparation for the pheasant soup I will make later today and  I was in the middle of making the pate when a caterer arrived as I have a special birthday party in our garden this summer.  They must have thought catering was my own profession as the kitchen smelt fantastic at this point!

Now it is time for me to enjoy the sunshine and paint in my garden,what I have been longing to do all day

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